Values & Culture

Our Values & Culture

Dhanrashi A hybrid of Fin-Tech & MFI is next-generation entity driven by technology and paperless approach offering and tweaking financial solutions as per customer needs. We continuously leverage technological innovation in order to achieve Financial Solutions and Inclusions.Our team brings the best of many worlds and we walk the talk on our core values and culture across, with a passion to have a social impact.

Professional & Teamwork

At Dhanrashi, we believe in Team Work to grow together as a Team of Professionals who care for each other, work in collaboration and value every single employee.TransparencyDhanrashi through business transparency demonstrates and encourages the open sharing of information and accountability at all levels. Integrity

Core values

are what support the vision of Dhanrashi and shape its culture. We believe toact with honesty and consistency in whatever we do and maintain the Integrity of Dhanrashi emmensly.Customer Centric:Dhanrashi focused on building customer-centric culture by operationalizing customer empathy, democratize customer insights, Facilitate direct interaction with customers and Link employee culture to customer outcomes Innovation:Innovation is key to Dhanrashi as a business approach that focuses on creating new market spaces, new ideas and uniqueness in the


The purpose of Customer Protection is to ensure that financial institutions provides financial services to low-income segment take appropriate steps to protect their customers from potentially harmful financial products and ensure they are treated fairly and well. Financial Institution as a whole have agreed that this is critical for the industry to join hands together and proactively safeguard the interests of microfinance customers through effective and fair policies, practices, and products. MFIs that have these principles embedded into thei

Look at the customer protection principles what Dhanrashi is abided to adhere to

    • Avoid Over-Indebtedness - Financial Institutions need to be reasonable while providing credit to customers and borrowers only who have demonstrated an adequate ability to repay and loans will not put borrowers or customers at significant risk of over-indebtedness.
    • Transparent Pricing - The pricing terms and conditions of all the financial products served by the Financial Institutions will have to be transparent and adequately disclosed in a form which is easy to understand to the customers
    • Appropriate Collection Practices - Debt collection practices of financial institutions will not be abusive or coercive.
    • Ethical Staff Behaviour - Staff have to comply with high ethical standards in their interaction with all their customers or borrowers and ensure safeguards are in place to detect and correct corruption or mistreatment of customers.
    • Mechanisms for Grievances - Financial Institutions will have in place timely and responsive mechanisms for complaints and problem resolution for their clients.
    • Privacy of Customer Data - The privacy of individual customer data have to be respected and cannot be used for other unethical purposes without the express permission of the customer